Left-wing students offer money to kill Jews, at San Francisco State University

Left-wing students offer money to kill Jews, at San Francisco State University

Left-wing students offered money to kill Jews, at San Francisco State University. Joe Newby reports:

How bad is anti-Semitism on American campuses?  Consider this.  On Thursday Ami Horowitz went to the campus of San Francisco State University to ask students if they would donate to help kill Jews around the world.

The results were absolutely shocking.

The important part to keep in mind here is the first few seconds of the video. Horowitz did not ask students if they would donate to support fighting against Israel or the IDF. He specifically calls out his identified targets: schools, hospitals, synagogues, and cafes.

Most of the students didn’t even blink at the suggestion. On the contrary, they were more than happy to pledge their dollars in support.

In fact, Horowitz specifically stated “soft targets.”

Horowitz stated that of the 35 students he interviewed in his video, half of them offered him money and more than 75% of them expressed, at minimum, moral support for his proposal.

When asked if there was any push back at all, he stated, “no.”

This is not the first time left-wing college students have shown support for terrorist violence. In a 2021 video, Ami Horowitz asked students at the University of California, Berkeley to pledge money to the Taliban so that it can mount terrorist attacks inside the United States. The students happily pledged their money to enable that. They belong to a woke, self-hating academic culture that is reshaping our society.

“We’re trying to raise money for the Taliban,” Horowitz told passing students. “We’re Taliban 2.0.”

As he explains to passersby: “We want to be able to train our fighters to fight back against American interests….we need money to train them how to use it against American forces.” He’s clear about the fact that he wants to attack America on its own soil: “We want to train our fighters to strike back against American interests around the world and in the homeland.”

Horowitz knows how to get left-wing Berkeley students to join the cause: “Before America got there, we used it as a base to strike against America. We want to do that again….We got to fight back, you know? And America’s destroying the world, and we want to secure it for striking against the American homeland.” He told another kid: “So we want to be able to create a bulwark against America in Afghanistan, to fund and help its enemies around the world strike back against American interests, both abroad and in the homeland.” He added, “Basically we want to create a safe space for enemies of the United States….9/11 was a lesson, but…they didn’t learn their lesson from 9/11. We want them to do that again like we did it in 2001.”

Horowitz made plain that he was raising money to massacre Americans on American soil. Horowitz told a student that he wants to “create a safe haven for America’s enemies.” To another avidly listening young woman, he said, “We want to strike the US both abroad and in the homeland, to teach them a lesson. Life means nothing to them, and America needs to be brought to heel.” The student replied: “Very true.”

Students responded eagerly. To one student, Horowitz says, “I don’t know if you know that much about American imperialism.” She responds, “Oh, yes, yeah.” Horowitz continues: “So you know how damaging the US is.” Her reply: “Definitely!”

Students fervently agreed with Horowitz. “Okay, that sounds great!,” one says. Another said “Appreciate what you’re doing here.” A third sai, “What you’re talking about is really important and I agree with you fully.” One young man informed Horowitz, “I would work for you.” Another student pledged $50; Horowitz hugs him and declares, “Do you know how many Taliban fighters we can train on that?”

In an interview with the New York Post, Horowitz said, “Every time I dream up an idea for a new video, I always have the same conversation with myself: ‘I’ve gone too far, this is too insane.’ There’s no way that people will accept the premise I’m going to present them with. I thought, ‘How can I go to a major American university and ask people to give me money for the Taliban, specifically to kill Americans? What universe do I have to be in to find American kids willing to give me money to kill Americans?’ But that’s exactly what we found….This is probably one of the only times where if someone punched me in the face, I’d be happy. Not a single person told me to go to hell or go f–k myself….The majority of people who stopped and talked to me decided they’d give me money for this — to fund the Taliban and specific use of proceeds to kill Americans, and strike back at America, and fund a new 9/11 on the US homeland.”

Horowitz’s cameraman, a liberal San Franciscan, was shocked, asking Horowitz, “Am I being punked right now? Are these actors? I don’t understand what’s happening.”

“I do,” said Robert Spencer at PJ Media. “So do you. Every day at UC Berkeley, these students’ professors regale them with propaganda about how America is an evil agent of imperialism, colonialism, and racism, and that the Americans among them should regard their American nationality with shame. This relentless indoctrination bears the fruit it was intended to bear: a generation of Americans who not only wouldn’t fight to defend this country but would cheerfully aid in its destruction. That fruit is what this video shows us.”

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