Joe Biden may be senile and left-wing, but he could still win in a landslide in 2024. If 31% of Republicans don’t vote Republican, Biden will get well over 60% of the vote, crushing Republicans in the election. And that could happen, judging from a December 2023 poll. In it, 31% of Republicans say they won’t vote for Trump if a jury convicts him of a felony.
The prosecutions against Trump may be politically motivated, but that doesn’t mean he won’t be convicted. He easily could be convicted. The New York state prosecution of Trump is bogus and political, but the Florida federal prosecution of Trump over mishandling government records is well-founded, supported by abundant evidence, and would likely lead to his conviction by an unbiased jury, even though the prosecutor is left-wing and hates Trump. The Washington, DC federal prosecution of Trump is a bit of a stretch, but it could succeed anyway because all, or nearly all, of the jurors are likely to be Democrats who hate Trump (More than 90% of Washington, DC residents vote for the Democrats in presidential elections), and the judge is a hardcore progressive who hates Trump. The Georgia state court prosecution of Trump sweeps in people who are likely innocent as Trump’s co-defendants, but some of its charges against Trump may be plausible — which puts him in jeopardy of conviction, because an Atlanta jury will be progressive-leaning, although not as much so as a Washington, DC jury.
If the 31% of Republicans who won’t vote for Trump if he is convicted mostly vote for Biden in response to a Trump conviction, Biden will win reelection by the largest margin since President James Monroe was reelected almost without opposition in 1820, and will win by an even bigger margin than the whopping 24% margin that Franklin Roosevelt received in 1936 when Democrats gained control of four-fifths of all seats in Congress and totally decimated the Republicans.
If the 31% of Republicans who won’t vote for Trump if he convicted vote for no one, then Biden will win reelection by a margin similar to FDR’s victory margin in 1936.
You may be saying to yourself, “Joe Biden is a crook, and it’s not harming him that much.” True, but no one is prosecuting Biden, and the mostly-progressive media gives Biden much more favorable coverage than it gives Trump. Biden isn’t going to be convicted before the next election. So the fact that influence-peddling by the Bidens is well-documented in photos and emails isn’t going to sink Biden, at least, not by itself. Nor will the fact that Joe Biden has lied about millions of dollars from China that Hunter Biden has belatedly confirmed.
So the fact that Biden is worse than Trump doesn’t mean Biden can’t get reelected. Nations often elect awful candidates, such as Venezuela electing Hugo Chavez, Chile electing Salvador Allende, and Nicaragua electing Daniel Ortega.
Republican voters should consider nominating someone who has no risk of being convicted prior to the 2024 election, like Ron DeSantis, who has better odds of winning, despite the fact that the progressive media hates him.
You may think voters won’t vote for a senile old man like Biden. But voters have picked even more senile people in free elections, like when voters in the Dominican Republic elected an 80-year-old blind man with a record of human rights violations in his previous stints in office.