Cartoon of the Day: With Friends Like These

Hamas Rooftop Party

So many left-wing groups are supporting Hamas terrorists, like Gay and Lesbian groups, LGBTQ+, Transgenders, Progressive Democrat Jews, etc., but don’t seem to understand that if any of them ventured to Gaza, they would be thrown off the top of a building to their death for the lifestyle or politics they have.
DEI groupthink and American universities have warped and brainwashed our kids minds to the point they can’t see who is actually on their side—the side of freedom and democracy.
Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2023.

A. F. Branco

A. F. Branco

A. F. Branco's syndicated cartoons appear at many websites, including Legal Insurrection. His work may also be found at his own website, Comically Incorrect.


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