Colleges hold events such as ‘Queering Menstruation’ and ‘Anal 101’

Colleges hold events such as ‘Queering Menstruation’ and ‘Anal 101’
Tulane University

“As college students return to their schooling this month, several universities are offering a variety of programs that delve into fringe topics, such as an event titled ‘Queering Menstruation’ and another called ‘Anal 101,’” reports The College Fix.

For example, Colgate University’s Center for Women’s Studies is holding a program on “Queering Menstruation.”

“Menstruation can be exceptionally difficult for nonbinary and trans-masculine individuals because it’s a biological process that is often times associated with womanhood,” it says. “Queering me[n]struation can hopefully aid the building of more positive relationships between periods and trans and/or nonbinary people.”

At the University of Louisville, an “Anal Sex 101” workshop was held to promote a “discussion about the anal sex culture and learn the truth about safe and pleasurable anal sex,” according to a campus newspaper.

A flier for the event said the workshop would address questions like “What are poppers” and “Is douching safe?”

In late September, Wright State University is holding Sex Week, which will include “Art Sexpo,” “Condom Race,” and “Sex Deity” programs.

On Sept. 29, Tulane University will hold a “Pillow Talk” event with professor Ina Kaur, who will instruct studens on how to “dismantle traditional assumptions about gender and sexual identities,” “confront social inequality head-on” and promote “decolonial practices.”

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