While campaigning for the presidency in 2020, Democratic nominee Joe Biden answered charges that he had tacked to the far left by asking the same rhetorical question: Do I look like a radical socialist to you? The question was as naïve as it was disingenuous. It revealed that in Biden’s narrow world view socialists were still identifiable by their long hair and scraggy beards. He needed but look at Sen. Bernie Sanders or photos of the late Saul Alinsky, who also dressed in a business suit and tie, to realize how foolish his proposition was.
In the meantime, to the delight of the Democratic Party, which had also tacked to the far left, and the revulsion of Republicans, Biden continued to insist he was still a centrist. All the indications were to the contrary from his defending Antifa as “an idea,” not a violent movement, to perpetuating the lie that Donald Trump had claimed the white nationalists who marched in Charlottesville in 2017 were alone “fine people.”
Listen to Biden asking his rhetorical question again in the video below. Then consider actions he has taken since taking the oath of office, including his profligate spending and claim that white supremacist violence is the biggest threat our nation faces.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
If you need further evidence that Biden represents the farthest left fringes of the party that nominated him, look no further than the words of his former boss, Barack Obama, who declared during the campaign that Biden’s was “the most progressive platform of any major-party nominee in history.”