Brian Williams: Biden ‘robbed of so much of majesty and pomp’ of being president by COVID’

Brian Williams: Biden ‘robbed of so much of majesty and pomp’ of being president by COVID’
Biden eating what appears to be tapioca pudding (Image: YouTube screen grab)

While waiting for Joe Biden to walk down the aisle of the House chamber in preparation for his first quasi-State of the Union Address, most members of his team were probably keeping their fingers crossed that he wouldn’t trip. But ABC News’s Brian Williams had other things on his mind — like dead air. So to fill the void until Biden’s grand entrance, Williams ad-libbed about the unfairness of Biden having to begin his presidency in the midst of a pandemic:

He has been robbed so much of the majesty and pomp of the job, campaign stops, convention speech. After he won giving his acceptance in a parking lot, in Wilmington and an inaugural address before an empty mall in Washington, D.C.

Point taken. Joe “B.F.D.” Biden is a pretty majestic guy. No doubt the 78-year-old was just itching to log 16-hour days on the campaign trail. As to his having to give his speeches in parking lot, imagine how much more degrading it would have been had the news media elected to swing their cameras around 180 degrees revealing this embarrassment:

Since he’s become president, he’s had plenty of moments to showcase his dignified side. Here he is explaining his signature legislative triumph:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

For those who need further convincing that Biden has “leader of the free world” stamped all over him, join me for a short stroll down memory lane.

Names and photos of press pool

Biden wandering out of range of camera (Image via Twitter)
Joe Biden and his ghost (Image: YouTube screen grab)
Image: LU Staff
Biden sleeping (Image: YouTube screen grab)
Joe Biden
Image via Twitter
Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles is a freelance writer and regular contributor to "Liberty Unyielding."


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