Leaked tapes of Iranian response to Soleimani killing reflect badly on Biden

Leaked tapes of Iranian response to Soleimani killing reflect badly on Biden
Qassem Soleimani (Image: YouTube screen grab via CBS News)

[Ed. – Biden opposed the attack on Soleimani just as he opposed the attack on Osama Bin Laden.]

One of the major victories of the Trump administration was the killing of General Qasem Soleimani. … Studies have shown that hundreds of deaths can be traced directly back to … his hands. That he was allowed to stay alive during the Bush and Obama years shows just how much of a failure our foreign policy establishment was prior to Trump’s rise.

Now, leaked tapes of Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif are exposing just how the terrorist nation responded to the killing. Further, it shows how much of an idiot our current president is.

What the tapes reveal is an Iran where Zarif is a nobody, with Soleimani and the IRGC basically running the show, including regarding relations with Russia. … Zarif also admits that the Revolutionary Guard, run by Soleimani, was dictating the country’s foreign policy.

… [T]he death of Soleimani was a massive blow to Iran’s ability to project strength. …

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