Biden: ‘We have enough vaccine to fully vaccinate 300 Americans’ That few?

Biden: ‘We have enough vaccine to fully vaccinate 300 Americans’ That few?
Joe Biden (Image via Twitter)

Let that number — 300 — sink in for a minute. He even repeats the number to show he means business.

The occasion for this latest gaffe was remarks Pres. Joe Biden made to the press at the White House last Friday on his fight to contain the COVID pandemic.

To his credit, Biden, who was reading off a teleprompter, was mostly coherent for the first five minutes. He once again used his bully pulpit to accuse the previous administration of leaving “the vaccine program” in “worse shape than we anticipated or expected” — a claim that Dr. Anthony Fauci publicly refuted — and commended the media, which had reported his distortion, as “the smartest group of people in town.”

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It was when he began to cite data that the disconnects between his brain and lips began to become apparent. At around 5:20 in the video that follows, he substitutes the number 100 for “hundred million.” A short time after that, he reads “100 million” as “one hundred billion.” (RELATED: Biden gets confused at XO signing, jumbles words, refers to Trump as ‘president’)

Beginning at 13:41 on, the gaffes come fast and furious:

And some of it will come as early — begin to come in early summer, but by the mid — by the mid-summer, that this vaccine will be there. And the order — and that— that increases the total vaccine [brief pause] order in the United States by 50 percent — from 400 million ordered to 600 million.

This enough vaccine to fully vaccinate 300 Americans by [pause] end of the summer, beginning of the fall. But we want to make — look, that’s — I want to repeat: It’ll be enough to fully vaccinate 300 Americans to beat this pandemic — 300 million Americans. And this is aggregate plan that doesn’t leave anything on the table or anything to chance, as we’ve seen happen in the past year.

Third time’s a charm.

The clear indication from all of this is that he doesn’t know what he’s reading. He couldn’t very well extemporize on the topic at hand because he hasn’t mastered the facts.

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles is a freelance writer and regular contributor to "Liberty Unyielding."


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