In case you missed it, the newest game inside Congress is who can say the dumbest thing that keeps alive the Jan. 6 riots in the minds of voters. Despite the razor wire-rimmed fence that now surrounds the Capitol plus the presence of 5,000 armed national guardsmen, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday demanded additional security funding to protect her and fellow Democrats from “the enemy within” Congress. You get two guesses as to whom she was referring to.
Not surprisingly, members of the “Squad” have made even more outrageous suggestions about their fellow Republicans. On Friday, Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) accused former Pres. Donald Trump of “actively courting a rising of the Confederacy” and Civil War. But Trump left D.C. the morning of the inauguration, heading home to South Florida, where he has remained ever since. If Rep. Jayapal has evidence of some treasonous plot he is “actively” conspiring in, she needs to present it to federal authorities. But of course she has none, so the point is moot.
Naturally ringleader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, not to be outdone, chimed in with her own conspiracy theory, claiming that “there are legitimate white supremacist sympathizers that sit at the heart and at the core of the Republican caucus in the House of Representatives.” There is no law of course against being a white supremacist and sitting in Congress. The late Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia, who was a good friend of the current president, Joe Biden, was himself a white supremacist and member of Ku Klux Klan to boot.
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But more to the point, Ocasio-Cortez has no more proof of her allegation than Jayapal has. There was a time, not too long ago, when both would have been censured for their absurd accusations. But that would have likely have begun with Nancy Pelosi, who is herself attempting to stir the pot.
Is this petulant name-calling part of the Democrats’ plan for unity?