Biden doesn’t know time of day … literally

Biden doesn’t know time of day … literally
Joe Biden (Image: YouTube screen grab)

It’s not that president-elect Joe Biden won’t give you the time of day (unless of course you ask about the federal investigation of his son Hunter). It’s that he can’t give you the time of day. That’s because he isn’t sure of it himself.

This became evident once again on Dec. 23 when he held a brief press conference to announce his nominee for Secretary of Education. He began by gravely intoning, “I heard there was a sighting of a sleigh and Santa Claus. He’s been circling around to see what he’s going to do.” Then it was on to business. He wished those assembled a good afternoon before realizing it was still morning and corrected his salutation.

It’s understandable that the 78-year-old, who 38% of voters (including 20% of Democrats) think suffers from Alzheimer’s, doesn’t know when it is because he often doesn’t know where he is.

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Back in July he began a delivered at a speech on his economic agenda in Wilmington, Del. by welcoming everyone to Kingswood Community Center. Then, after an awkward pause, he said, “Actually that’s the one down I used to work [sic]. It’s a joke. You know where you were anyway.” A nervous laugh followed. Watch:

But Biden’s failing mind is no laughing matter. He hasn’t yet begun the job of leader of the free world, with its demanding schedule, long hours, and awesome responsibilities. Better men than him have been worn down by four years as president, and all of them came into the job with sound faculties.

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles is a freelance writer and regular contributor to "Liberty Unyielding."


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