MSNBC’S Jason Johnson attacks ‘white folks’ who voted for Trump

MSNBC’S Jason Johnson attacks ‘white folks’ who voted for Trump
Jason Johnson (Image: Twitter screen grab)

What’s that? You thought it was only blacks who were warned that, if they needed to weigh their options on whether to cast their vote for Donald Trump or Joe Biden, they “ain’t black” ? Think again. According to Reason’s Robby Soave, Hispanics who voted for Trump — as many did in this election — face ex-communication from the progressive coalition. That includes the 98% of all Hispanics who still refer to themselves as Latino and Latina as opposed to the politically correct Latinx, which is gender-neutral.

Even whites who dared to vote for the president’s reelection earned the wrath of MSNBC’s Jason Johnson on election night. Watch (a transcript follows):

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

I think it’s very important when we look at the lower number for Latinos, you know, Biden underperforming with Latinos, Biden underperforming with African-Americans I think we also have to remember to put the focus the right place though. This is about white folks. This is about white people who saw a president who was corrupt and sexist and violent and mismanaged an entire pandemic that’s killed over 230,000 people by the election and they said “I want some more of that.” So even if every single black person and every single Latino person had come out and said, “Hey we are going to support Joe Biden,” it wouldn’t have been enough to overcome the number of white people who’re OK with Trump and his mini version of Trumpism, which is [Florida Gov. Rick] DeSantis, who is also responsible for some of the voter suppression in the state, which kept black and Latino voters from getting to the polls. (RELATED: Whatever the Dems end up getting out of this election, it won’t be enough)

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