We’ve been here before — many times in fact. Whenever an unspeakable horror is perpetrated that flies in the face of the Left’s favored narrative, they admonish us not to jump to conclusions about the perpetrator’s motives. When a trained marksman opened fire on Dallas police keeping the peace at a Black Lives Matter rally in 2016, killing five, then-Pres. Barack Obama declared it’s “very hard to untangle” the motives of the gunman, who was black. Three years prior to that, a recent convert to Islam in Oklahoma beheaded one co-worker and stabbed several others before an off-duty police officer shot and wounded him. CNN commentator Marc Lamont Hill dismissed the notion that this was more than workplace violence, famously noting, “People behead for all sorts of reasons.”
Now we’re being admonished again, this time by CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, not to leap to conclusions about why a black gunman in Los Angeles attempted to assassinate two L.A. County deputies as they sat in their patrol car.
Watch. (A transcript of Cuomo’s remarks appear below the video.)
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
The L.A. County sheriff says it’s a miracle that two of his deputies escaped death. I need to warn you, this video of them being attacked is disturbing. We need to see reality so we can be disgusted by it, and push against it. These deputies were shot, they were ambushed sitting in their cruiser in Compton, the gunmen still on the loose, you’ll see him shoots, directly into the window before running off. It is incredible. He failed to kill either of those deputies. The extent of what we know, that’s it, I just showed it to you. Anyone who says they know why this happened is pushing an agenda. Because we don’t know anything other than what you just saw. And there are a lot of crazy people. I know we don’t like that word, with mental health awareness. That guy either has a bad mind, a bad soul, a bad brain or a combination of all of them. [Emphasis added]
It’s true that we can’t say with absolute certainty that his assassination attempt wasn’t motivated by a steady diet of “all cops are racists” for the last three months, especially since, as Cuomo reminds us, the shooter is still at large. Yet, one can make a reasonable assumption about the shooter’s motives.
We can say with certainty that members of BLM have publicly stated that they are praying for the deputies’ deaths. When is Cuomo going to condemn those noxious statements?