Joe Biden is currently ahead in the race for the presidency in the national polls, leading Donald Trump by 8.6% in the RealClear Politics average. This is the closest the former vice president has come not only to reaching the brass ring. It’s the closest he’s come to getting anywhere close to capturing his party’s nomination.
That doesn’t mean he won’t find some way to blow it between now and Nov. 3, which is why he continues to assume a low profile, dispensing campaign promises from his home basement bunker. His latest promise, made on Monday, while addressing a summit of Muslim voters, was expressed as a wish. “I wish we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith.” he said. “I wish we talked about all the great confessional faiths. It’s one of the great confessional faiths.”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
The idea of introducing religion in schools — or more properly speaking a religion, in this case Islam — is nothing new. In 2015, schoolchildren in Tennessee were taught the Five Pillars of Islam, including the belief that Allah is the only God. In 2018, middle schools in New Jersey took Islamomania to the next step by teaching preteens how easy it is to convert to Islam.
But apart from Biden being behind the curve, his pandering to Muslim voters rings hollow against the backdrop of his own views on religion in the public square as articulated during a previous presidential run in 2007. In the video that follows, the then-senator is asked about his stance on the “separation clause,” which of course doesn’t appear in the Constitution. The key portion of his remarks begins at 1:28. A transcript follows the clip.
The beauty of the system was that our Founders were fully aware that the adherence to any one religion or any one creed was the thing that brought other nations down. So we’ve been very scrupulous in separating our public religions from our private religion.