Amazon’s Jeff Bezos ‘happy to lose customers’ who don’t like company’s support of BLM

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos ‘happy to lose customers’ who don’t like company’s support of BLM
Jeff Bezos (Image: Wikipedia)

The Left lately has been trying to blur the lines between the political group Black Lives Matter and the demographic group black Americans. If you say you don’t support BLM, they argue, you’re a racist. Never mind that one of the organizations co-founders said in 2017 that white people are “sub-humxn” [sic] and asked Allah to give her the “strength to … kill these men and white folks.” If you don’t support the group unquestioningly, you deserve to be shunned.

This attitude has led some liberals to dis-invite non-supporters from enjoying the fruits of their livelihood. Actor Seth Rogan is one of them. Last Thursday, he said that if you don’t support BLM, then  you “don’t deserve my movies anymore.” (It’s hard to say if that’s a threat or a promise.)

Now it’s Amazon founder and world’s richest man Jeff Bezos who has invited his customers to take a hike if they don’t agree with his company’s support of BLM. Here are Fox News Channel’s Bill Hemmer and Charles Payne evaluating Bezos’s announcement. (A partial transcript follows.)


Bill Hemmer: Amazon founder Jeff Bezos said he would be happy to lose customers to people that don’t like him supporting Blacks Lives Matter. Charles Payne … if you logged on to Amazon, you’d see the statement over Blacks Lives Matter. What do you think of the corporate position staked out by Amazon, Charles?

Charles Payne: First of all, Bill, listen. A lot of companies are writing checks, making statements. It’s a cool hip thing to do. So to a degree, I’m not surprised. I looked at Amazon. While they have a fair amount of blacks folks working for them, very few make it to managers. If Jeff Bezos wants to put his money where his mouth is, he probably should be providing more internal opportunities for his workers rather than —

Hemmer: That’s interesting. I’ll give you an idea. Where is the support for Amazon on behalf of the companies that were burned down in the rioting and the looting in Minneapolis and Manhattan? Where is his support?

Payne: There is none.

Hemmer: I looked for it and couldn’t find it.

With an estimated net worth of $149.4 billion, losing customers isn’t likely going to make a dent in Bezos’s personal fortune. Yet, as a shrewd businessman, he has to be aware of the risks of adopting such a cavalier attitude.

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