Man who called lockdown a ‘political ploy’ dies of COVID-19

Man who called lockdown a ‘political ploy’ dies of COVID-19
John McDaniel (Image provided)

A word to scoffers: Underestimating COVID-19 can be hazardous to your health. This is a lesson that John W. McDaniel, of Marion County, Ohio, learned too late. On April 15, McDaniel died of the infectious disease after having been diagnosed with the virus in late March.

The Sun reports that the 60-year-old McDaniel had sneered at Ohio governor Mike DeWine’s stay-at home order, posting on Facebook:

If what I’m hearing is true, that DeWine has ordered all bars and restaurants to be closed, I say bulls***!

He doesn’t have that authority. If you are paranoid about getting sick just don’t go out. It shouldn’t keep those of us from living our lives.

The madness has to stop.

Another post, ascribed to McDaniel, asks: “Does anybody have the guts to say this Covid19 is a political ploy? Asking for a friend. Prove me wrong.”

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

It appears that the pathogen accepted the challenge.

As has been noted in these pages, some skeptics like McDaniel have made a game out of the virus — literally. They have taken to licking public toilet seats and other potentially contaminated surfaces, labeling videos of their acts “#coronavirus challenge” on social media. These people are gambling with their lives in much the same way as devil-may-care types who play Russian Roulette. In John McDaniel’s case, the chamber was loaded.

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