Do as she says, not as she does: Chicago mayor gets haircut despite social distancing order

Do as she says, not as she does: Chicago mayor gets haircut despite social distancing order
Lori Lightfoot (Image: YouTube screen grab)

“I’m in the public everyday and candidly, my hair was not looking the way it did.” So said Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot whose only defense for defying a statewide order to steer clear of beauty and hair salons during the pandemic was that she was having a bad hair day.

But that’s only the half of it. According to Chicago station WGN:

A woman posted photos on Facebook Sunday saying she “had the pleasure of giving Mayor [Lori] Lightfoot a hair trim.”

In the photos, the mayor is standing next to the woman and they are not standing six feet apart — plus, neither one was wearing a mask. [Emphasis added]

As emphasized here, we are in the midst of an unprecedented crisis that poses a hardship for many of us. Lightfoot’s rationale — that “I’m the public face of this city” simply doesn’t cut it. That goes double for her added explanation that she’s “a person who takes their [sic] personal hygiene very seriously.”Especially when, as the article submits:

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The mayor has been adamant about getting Chicagoans to stay inside and take precautions seriously since the pandemic started.

Gorgeous though it, her hair could have waited to be cut until the health scare is over.

LU Staff

LU Staff

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