Happy Black History Month! A young woman at the University of Virginia used the occasion to deliver a “public service announcement” to users of the campus’s new Multicultural Student Center. Her message, which was captured on video, follows along with a transcript (h/t Washington Examiner):
Leftists at the University of Virginia are dictating who is and who isn’t allowed in the new Multicultural Student Center.
“Frankly there is just too many white people in here, and this is a space for people of color.”
This kind of racist intolerance is NOT multicultural. pic.twitter.com/XkefKqfqLA
— YAF (@yaf) February 12, 2020
Public service announcement. If y’all didn’t know, this is the MSC, and, frankly, there’s just too many white people in here, and this is a space for people of color, so, just be really cognizant of the space that you’re taking up because it does make some of us POCs uncomfortable when we see too many white people in here.
The announcement was greeted with applause.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
So multicultural is a synonym for “black”? Live and learn.
As always, the reaction on Twitter was mixed. One user who goes by the handle Brett the Autistic Bibliomancer was sympathetic to the aggrieved woman’s, tweeting:
She’s right. She wants a place that prioritizes the experience of POC, and if white students want a place to hang out they can go literally anywhere else on campus.
But isn’t that also true for the complainant, or has UVA begun enforcing segregation again?
Elsewhere on Twitter, a user who goes by @nomjinni tweeted out “a thread of racists getting their ass beat for black history month.” The account has since been protected by the user but not before one video from his “mix tape” was retweeted multiple times:
Y’all go watch these videos. I am living lol RT @nomjinni: a thread of racists getting their ass beat for black history month pic.twitter.com/4yf7NVr3eB
— B (@first_and_15th) February 12, 2020
The responses were no less troubling:
I clearly have issues because I just watched an entire thread titled "a thread of racists getting their ass beat for black history month" and I was very entertained https://t.co/iAjvyLpzJO
— Ms Pepeye (@ade_tomike) February 13, 2020
whoever made that thread for black history month of racist people getting their ass beat…..thank you it’s amazing
— May ♡ (@sergeantmilf) February 12, 2020
She got her stupid ass stung with some hot shit RT @nomjinni: a thread of racists getting their ass beat for black history month pic.twitter.com/PmmfwOMo3d
— Jo Bleaux (@AyYoPoloJo) February 12, 2020
One commenter helped connect the dots for users unaware that racist and white person are synonyms.
I spent like 20 minutes watching a thread of white people getting their ass beat for being racist.. 😂😂 best shit I’ve seen in a minute . Happy Black History month
— riem (@Riemoh) February 13, 2020