When an exasperated Donald Trump called the press “the enemy of the people” back in October of 2018, many on the Left were aghast. They speechified on how the Constitution — a document they normally decry as outdated or worse — ensures a free press, as though the media’s daily exaggerations and out-and-out lies about the current president were somehow good for the nation.
The media can save their righteous indignation. Last night one of their own outed them, albeit inadvertently. Shortly after the Mueller team issued its bombshell dismissal of BuzzFeed’s story on Michael Cohen lying to Congress, which it said was “not accurate,” CNN’s Chris Cuomo said this:
Mueller didn’t do the media any favors tonight, and he did do the president one, because as you saw with Rudy Giuliani and as I’m sure you’ll see with the president himself, this allows them to say, ‘You can’t believe it. You can’t believe what you read, you can’t believe what you hear, you can only believe us. Even the special counsel says that the media doesn’t get it right.’ [Emphasis added]
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Go back and read the highlighted sentence, which is rather astonishing. Does Cuomo believe, as he intimates here, that the Mueller team should be “doing favors” for anyone, whether it’s the president or the media? It’s a curious argument coming from a “journalist,” whose first obligation is — as CNN’s motto affirms — to report the facts dispassionately.
It’s as though Cuomo feels betrayed by Robert Mueller for speaking out when a far-left rag prints a damning lie about the president. Has Cuomo’s past defense of the Mueller team against charges of conducting a witch hunt been guided purely by the self-serving belief that the special counsel is on his side rather than out for the truth?
If Cuomo is trying to the make the case that you can “believe what you read” and “hear” on CNN, he’s not doing a very persuasive job of it.