If you didn’t already know that Donald Trump is Satan personified, the Left has further proof for you. It takes the form of heart-wrenching stories and videos of toddlers so traumatized by their forced separation from their parents at the U.S. border that they fail to recognize their own mothers once the two are reunited.
Some of these tragedies are chronicled in a New York Times article:
One mother had waited four months to wrap her arms around her little boy. Another had waited three months to see her little girl again.
When the reunions finally happened Tuesday in Phoenix, the mothers were met with cries of rejection from their children.
“He didn’t recognize me,” said Mirce Alba Lopez, 31, of her 3-year-old son, Ederson, her eyes welling up with tears. “My joy turned temporarily to sadness.”
For Milka Pablo, 35, it was no different. Her 3-year-old daughter, Darly, screamed and tried to wiggle free from her mother’s embrace.
“I want Miss. I want Miss,” Darly cried, calling for the social worker at the shelter where she had been living since mother and daughter were separated by federal agents at the southwestern border.
And then there are the videos, which include this tearjerker:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
You don’t need to know Spanish to understand the grief the mother is experiencing in this footage.
If in fact that is the child’s mother. I realize my skepticism must sound heartless, but the fact of the matter is that these incidents simply don’t square with the science of human development. According to Seema Csukas, M.D., a licensed pediatrician and director of child health promotion at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, “smell is the most advanced sense that babies have at birth.” She cites a study that found that 3-day-old infants could recognize the specific smell of their mom’s amniotic fluid.
This atavistic property remains a constant throughout life. The chances of a three- or four-year-old not recognizing his mother’s scent after a prolonged absence are slim. After four months they are non-existent.
Even if we concede these stories are real and accurate, other questions arise. We know, for example, that the practice of separating children from their families at the border was also employed during the Obama years. In fact, some of the horror stories that have been dredged up, such as the Obama administration handing child migrants over to human traffickers, dwarf many times over nightmares of the sort reported by the Times.
If these separations occurred as early as 2013, which reports of the day confirm, why did we not hear stories of migrant children not recognizing their mothers back then?