Quote of the Day: Rewrite the Constitution, have another president take over right now

Quote of the Day: Rewrite the Constitution, have another president take over right now
Mike Barnicle (Image: MSNBC video screen grab)

Compared with the ignoramuses cited in this post yesterday, Mike Barnicle is a genius. The senior MSNBC contributor and veteran columnist appeared on Wednesday’s edition of “Morning Joe,” where the continuing story du jour is Donald Trump’s remarks at his presser with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. Barnicle’s recommendation was to rewrite the Constitution so that Trump could be replaced:

Rewrite the Constitution and have another president take over right now. Look, this is the distortion of, in daily life in American politics, it’s beyond the realm and thankfully former President Obama pointed out realities we all live under right now.

At least Barnicle recognizes the existence of the Constitution, even if he’s a little unclear on the amendment process, which involves more than some nebulous group or individual performing a “rewrite.”

Barnicle, of course, didn’t explain how this new president would be selected, nor did he say who should take Trump’s place. He also seemed oblivious to the potential backlash from such a move.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

“Sadly, these kinds of loony and absurd comments have become common practice at Morning Joe. With the absence of hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough, the delegitimizing of the Trump administration and calls for his removal began earlier than usual,” wrote Cody Leach at Newsbusters, adding:

The troubling disregard for our founding documents has found a home at MSNBC, where the God-granted rights of life, liberty, and property mean nothing to the deranged hosts of a clearly disturbed group of guests. Trump Derangement Syndrome has reached a new low, where even the Constitution must be rewritten immediately in order to remove the President of the United States.

And those on the Left wonder why so many are now convinced that the United States is heading for a second bloody civil war.

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Joe Newby

Joe Newby

Joe Newby is an IT professional. He has written for Conservative Firing Line, Examiner, NewsBusters, and Spokane Faith and Values.


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