Liberal heads across America are exploding over news that President Trump chose Judge Brett Kavanaugh to fill the vacancy that will be left on the Supreme Court after Justice Anthony Kennedy steps down later this month. One of those engaging in an Indiana Jones-style meltdown was former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, who seems to think that we’re all going to die because Kavanaugh is Trump’s choice.
“The nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh will threaten the lives of millions of Americans for decades to come and will morph our Supreme Court into a political arm of the right-wing Republican Party,” he wrote on Twitter.
The nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh will threaten the lives of millions of Americans for decades to come and will morph our Supreme Court into a political arm of the right-wing Republican Party.
— Terry McAuliffe (@TerryMcAuliffe) July 10, 2018
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Which, of course, means:
We're all going to die. Again.
— Dan 🇺🇸 (@danieltobin) July 10, 2018
The guy who coaches his daughters basketball team and serves food to the homeless will threaten the lives of millions? OMG. You are insane.
— Howard Notelling (@BluegrassPundit) July 10, 2018
One person countered:
The seating of Judge Brett Kavanaugh will save the lives and freedoms of millions of Americans for decades to come and will morph our Supreme Court back into a court that judges the law, doesn’t write it. There, fixed it for you.
— Andrew Paynter (@policypaynter) July 10, 2018
Another queried:
Are these the same millions whose lives were threatened by pulling out of Paris Accord, then again by Trump’s Tax Reform, and now once more? I am beginning to think you guys have a horde of crisis actors whose sole job is to have their lives threatened by Trump constantly.
— Bansi Sharma (@bansisharma) July 10, 2018
As you may recall, liberals told us that we would all die because Trump pulled out of the Paris climate accord. Then they told us we would all die because of tax cuts. After that it was net neutrality that was the scourge that would kill us all off.
Actually, leftists believe this nonsense because they’ve been programmed to do so by the propaganda machine known here as the Democrat-media complex. Or to put it more simply, the mainstream media.
No doubt the over-the-top rhetoric will only get worse. Stock up on popcorn, because it looks like the latest path to sure Armageddon is just being paved.
Exit question: Will Jennifer Rubin, the Washington Post’s fake conservative blogger, sentence Kavanaugh to a lifetime of harassment by insane leftists?
(h/t Twitchy)
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