And to illustrate his point, he drew them a map with cross hairs representing the White House. Ever since Democrats began eating crow over their idiotic claim following a 2011 shooting that Republicans are by nature violent, the incidents of liberal “incivility” have been piling up.
But, the Left protested early, the calls of “death to Republicans” have come from unwashed members of the party — random outliers on social media who don’t know any better. Then the death wishes began to filter in from celebrities, with the whole argument seeming to come apart last week when CNN tweeted an image of Donald Trump with a cross hairs superimposed over it.
Now this:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe warned Democrats Tuesday they “have to shoot to kill” when pressing for President Trump’s impeachment.
“If you’re going to shoot him, you have to shoot to kill,” Tribe told CNN “New Day” host Chris Cuomo. “And that requires an overwhelming majority of a bipartisan kind. Otherwise you’re just going to nick the guy, and make him feel empowered and vindicated.”
Here is a video of the exchange between Tribe and host Chris Cuomo. The “shoot to kill” line comes at 4:20, but the entire interview, which is pretty over-the-top, is worth watching.
As frequent LU contributor Joe Newby noted at Conservative Firing Line, Tribe later saw the error, politically speaking, of his ways and issued an apology:
In an otherwise good interview I made a terrible word choice, saying an impeachment ‘bullet’ can only be ‘shot once’ so one must ‘shoot to kill.’ I wasn’t speaking literally, but as one who works hard to reduce gun violence this was just inexcusable. [Emphasis added]
He needed to specify that he wasn’t being literal? What kind of idiots does he take his fellow Democrats to be? Oh, wait…