Quote of the Day: A pro-life conscience law would make me ‘want to eat an aborted fetus’

Quote of the Day: A pro-life conscience law would make me ‘want to eat an aborted fetus’

The words are those of Sarah Silverman, who according to Wikipedia is a “comedian” who “addresses social taboos and controversial topics, such as racism, sexism, politics, and religion.”

Although Wikipedia fails to acknowledge it, she also fancies herself an activist whose latest cause is raising money for abortions. Let me know if you need a break to compose yourself after all that laughing.

On Feb. 1, according to LifeNews, Silverman co-hosted a live-streamed “telethon,” called Life Is a Living Nightmare: A Telethon to Fix It, which “featured almost 4 hours of bizarre content, including abortion charades, an interview with abortionist Willie Parker, and political rants. During one of the charades, Silverman announced that a conscience clause law that prevented aborted fetuses from being used in manufactured food products would be something that “would make her want to eat an aborted fetus.”

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Here’s a clip from the show, should you for some reason care to watch:

I can understand that liberals have persuaded themselves that unfettered abortion is a fundamental right of women and that opposition to it is wrongheaded. What I can’t quite wrap my head around, however, is the notion that somehow the wanton destruction of viable fetuses is grist for comedy.

Toward the end of the live-steam, we are told, Silverman’s co-host Lizz Winstead not only turned serious but welled up with tears as she said this of abortion providers:

These people that provide this amazing care for people are demonized and shunned and they provide literally a pathway to somebody’s life every single day. And if we let them have to provide the care and defend what they do, when we’ve all used it to become better people, we’re doing a disservice to our society. And so that’s why we do the work. [Emphasis added]

The highlighted passages demonstrate an astonishing lack of awareness. One scarcely knows where to begin in reacting to it.

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles is a freelance writer and regular contributor to "Liberty Unyielding."


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