Quote of the Day: Trump ‘not fit to clean the toilets in Obama’s presidential library’

Quote of the Day: Trump ‘not fit to clean the toilets in Obama’s presidential library’
Bill Clinton and Kirsten Gillibrand (Image via Twittter)

I wish the editorial board at USA Today (aka McPaper) would come right out and say what’s on their minds. On a serious note, I wish they’d get their facts straight.

The above quote is not the headline of the editorial, which is “Will Trump’s lows ever hit rock bottom?” but it is the phrase from the ugly hit piece that is getting the most attention on the web.

What’s got McPaper’s panties in a knot was the president’s response to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s inane suggestion that he resign over allegations of sexual misconduct, first leveled at him during the presidential campaign and now dragged back into the headlines by Democrats and their supporters in the media.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Here is the president’s tweet:

And here’s USA Today’s complete shot across the bow:

A president who would all but call Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the toilets in the Barack Obama Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of George W. Bush.

I had no idea the editors put George W. Bush in (in their opinion) such lofty company, but let’s back away from the insults and focus on the character of the elected official: not Trump, but Gillibrand.

In June, During a speech at New York University, the senator demonstrated that she is capable of tossing around f-bombs like a longshoreman. Answering her own rhetorical question on whether Trump “has kept any of his promises,” she replied, “No. F*ck no.”

Even more damning is her long association with and support for the Clintons. Hillary Clinton was her political mentor, helping to shape Gillibrand’s own political ambitions. When Gillibrand first considered throwing her hat in the ring in 2004, Hillary Clinton advised her to wait until 2006. All the while, Gillibrand’s lips remained sealed regarding Bill Clinton’s sexual dalliances before and during his years in the White House.

No, Donald Trump didn’t call Kirsten Gillibrand a whore or a slut, as her colleague Elizabeth Warren suggested.

But it should be hard for USA Today to deny with straight face that Gillibrand has acted like one in advancing her own career.

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles is a freelance writer and regular contributor to "Liberty Unyielding."


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