Women in the age of Donald Trump are convinced they don’t get no respect. Or at least that’s what they think. Obviously there are places in the world where if women were suddenly treated like second-class citizens, it would be an upgrade of at least four classes.
One of those places with repressive policies toward the weaker sex is Saudi Arabia, where women are banned from driving and only recently were accorded the right to vote.
But the Saudis are looking to change all that. On Saturday, the Muslim nation held its first meeting of its spanking new Qassim Girls Council. Here’s the official picture of the meeting:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
In case you can’t tell from those floor-length getups the members are sporting, they are all men.
BBC News is quick not only to applaud the effort but to point out that there are women on the council and that they “were apparently in another room, linked via video.”
Then to show how equally behind-the-times the U.S. is under its current leadership, it showed a picture of President Trump signing an executive order, allegedly related to abortion, in which five men are seen looking on. If the network had really wanted to stick it to America as a sexist nation, they could have instead featured a photo of a previous president in the company of his “inner circle,” which consisted of ten men and no women. Here’s the picture:
I wonder why they opted not to use it.