One of the messages that came out of the Women’s March on Washington was that women should not be objectified. Women’s magazine “Cosmopolitan” might refine that statement to include the clause “unless they want to be objectified.”
That’s the takeaway from an article published in December 2014 that pays homage to Carter Cruise, who was 23 at the time of the profile. The article details how Cruise went from being a run-of-the-mill college coed to a star in her chosen profession. And what is that profession? Taking off all her clothes and having sexual relations with men on camera.
No joke: The introductory paragraph explains how “she made the jump to porn” and ” how she handles being a pubic hair trendsetter.” That’s pubic, in case you misread it.
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Then there is the firsthand account of her journey up the ladder of success:
I’ve always known since I was really young that I wanted to be in the entertainment industry….
So I … sat down and I made a list of the experiences I wanted to have in life…. Then I made a list of what I am good at.
…Porn was the first step because it gave me the capital and the connections to not only build my brand but also to lay the foundations for other creative things that I wanted to get involved in.
You might think is satire, but it’s not. Or if it is, no one’s laughing. Cruise has a Wikipedia page that identifies her as an American pornographic actress, and her “body of work” (if that’s the correct term) appears on numerous online porn sites.

The article in Cosmo goes to great lengths to humanize Cruise and congratulate her for overcoming obstacles:
I’ve always been very modest and very insecure about my body. I took those [first nude] photos and I was so scared and nervous and felt insecure, like I looked fat. But then I saw the photos and I felt amazing.
Even her “parents are awesome” about her chosen career. What more could you want?
Here’s an answer: Maybe a concession from the Left, a little candor about how celebrating a young woman who peddles her flesh for money debases the sex and makes a mockery of feminism. Then again, candor would have meant not giving a bully pulpit at the event in D.C. last weekend to a woman convicted of kidnapping, raping, and ultimately murdering a man.