Clinton News Network gets caught again, using heavily edited clips to support false narrative

Clinton News Network gets caught again, using heavily edited clips to support false narrative

Talk about fake news! It seems CNN, aka the Clinton News Network, is still at it. On Monday, the heavily biased cable news purveyor was caught using edited clips to suggest that President-elect Donald Trump would round up Muslims and put them in internment camps.

Via NewsBusters’s Brad Wilmouth:

Monday’s New Day on CNN ran a pre-recorded report by correspondent Kyung Lah in which she highlighted two Japanese-American women who suffered through living in internment camps during World War II, and touted their concerns that Donald Trump “could make a dark moment in history a reality again,” this time targeting Muslims.

And the report not only again used a misleading edited clip of incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn which made it look like he was calling all of Islam a “cancer,” but the piece also employed a new misleading edit in the form of Trump supporter Carl Higbie appearing to argue in favor of treating Muslim-Americans the same as Japanese-Americans of the 1940s, which could easily be misconstrued as a call for internment camps. But, in other portions not shown by CNN, it could clearly be seen that he flatly argued against internment camps but for a registry that would only include immigrants.

Here’s video of the segment:

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Wilmouth wrote that the piece began with edited clips of Trump or his supporters:

CARL HIGBIE, TRUMP SUPPORTER, FROM FNC’S THE KELLY FILE: We did it during World War II with Japanese.


FLYNN CLIP #2: It is a vicious cancer.

PRESIDENT-ELECT DONALD TRUMP: -get the bad ones out.

Of course, none of this was put in context, but selectively cherry-picked to present a false narrative. Higbie, Wilmouth said, denied advocating for internment camps, citing the actual transcript from the November Fox News interview:

MEGYN KELLY: Kris Kobach, who helped write the tough immigration laws in Arizona, said today that Trump’s policies advisors are drafting — they’re discussing drafting a proposal to re-instate a registry for immigrants from Muslim countries, for immigrants from Muslim countries.

CARL HIGBIE: Yeah, and to be perfectly honest, it is legal, and they say it will hold constitutional muster. I know the ACLU is going to challenge it, but I think it will pass, and we’ve done it with Iran back awhile ago. We did it during World War II with Japanese, which, you know, call it what you will, it may be wrong-

KELLY: Come on. You’re not proposing that we go back to the days of internment camps, I hope.

HIGBIE: No, no, I’m not proposing that at all, Megyn.

Of course, you’ll never get that from CNN.

So, given that outlets like Facebook and Google are targeting so-called “fake news,” one has to ask: Will they target or censor CNN for this piece of fake news? Yeah, right!

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Joe Newby

Joe Newby

Joe Newby is an IT professional. He has written for Conservative Firing Line, Examiner, NewsBusters, and Spokane Faith and Values.


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