Trump guest at third and final debate should give Hillary some last-minute homework

Trump guest at third and final debate should give Hillary some last-minute homework

No, it’s not Hillary Rodham’s fourth grade teacher to report that she flunked math. And it’s not one of the women who claims that Bill Clinton forced his “affections” on her.

It’s someone Hillary called a liar and Harry Reid, for added stimulation, called “crazy.”

It’s none other than Pat Smith, the mother of the late Sean Smith, one of the four Americans killed in the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attacks. You know: one of the peolpe brutally murdered on Clinton’s watch and of whose deaths an angry-sounding Clinton asked the House “What difference does it make?”

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Via Yahoo News:

In a statement … about Smith’s attendance at the debate, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, a top Trump campaign adviser and surrogate, suggested that Smith’s presence at the debate might push Clinton to give the families of victims a “solid answer” as to why the U.S. government did not successfully rescue all of its personnel in Benghazi.


In her conversation with Yahoo News, Smith said she had one goal for the debate.

“I want to look in Hillary’s eyes, and have her lie to me again,” said Smith.

Smith spoke at the Republican National Convention in July, where she delivered an emotional speech placing the blame for her son’s death squarely at Clinton’s feet:

Clinton has been embroiled in a feud with the parents and loved ones of all four victims of the massacre, who claims she told them as their coffins were being unloaded from an air transport at Andrews Air Force Base that they died as a result of a citizen mob reacting to a video hostile to Islam. That was of course the narrative that Clinton and other administration members advanced early on to protect Barack Obama, who was running for reelection.

It will be interesting to see how Clinton talks her way out of her lies when directly confronted at the debate.

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles

Ben Bowles is a freelance writer and regular contributor to "Liberty Unyielding."


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