Well, well, well.
The Democratic Party loves pointing the finger and making accusations of racism at Republicans. Meanwhile, behind closed doors, DNC officials are busy concocting utterly revolting racial slurs to use as shorthand while they play identity politics.
Here is an email that was included in the dump Wikileaks released just prior to the Democratic National Convention (h/t Wayne Dupree):
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Excuse me. “Mop up?” Is that meant to conjure up the argument for giving amnesty to illegal immigrants (viz., that they will do jobs that Americans won’t)? And “taco bowl engagement?” This from the political party that professes to be the lone champion of the plight of low-income and minority communities? I don’t think so.
The truth has finally come out. The Democratic Party doesn’t see voters as anything more than pawns. They don’t just play the race card; they are obsessed to the point of nicknaming it.
Someone should get the message out to Lorella Praeli, director of outreach for Hillary for America (shown above). She seems to be laboring under the illusion that the Democrats see her and her people as anything other than warm bodies that can be dragged to the polls.
Cross-posted at DeneenBorelli.com