Quote of the Day: ‘Being president is not being on a reality show’

Quote of the Day: ‘Being president is not being on a reality show’

“Being president is a serious job.” So admonished Barack Obama. The target of his finger-wagging lecture was Republican front-runner Donald Trump, who Obama is speculating will “not be president” because the American people take elections seriously, especially the presidency. They would never elect a man with a light résumé and no leadership experience. Oh, wait…

As for the quote that “being president is … not hosting a talk show, or a reality show,” where does Obama get off chastising anyone for that? Is he genuinely unaware that he made two celebrity appearances on two reality shows in the last three months alone?

But I interrupted. The president’s lecture wasn’t quite finished. He went on to add:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

[The presidency is] not promotion, it’s not marketing. It’s hard. And a lot of people count on us getting it right. [It isn’t] a matter of pandering and doing whatever will get you in the news on a given day.

Stop laughing! That’s rude.

Obama finished his comments with the observation that whoever succeeds him needs to be able to give foreign leaders the confidence that he or knows their names and something about their nations’ histories.

He’s got a point there. As president you wouldn’t want to address the female president of a nation as “his excellency” or be so ignorant about a nation’s history as not to know what language its people speak.

Obama’s been there, and can tell you it’s embarrassing.

One of the many problems that has plagued the Obama years has been the president’s arrogance. He ridicules and vilifies anyone who disagrees with its progressive ideology, including his predecessor, who was was his whipping boy throughout his first term. Now is he is showing the same petulance toward possible successors.

Since Trump is not the shy and retiring type, he returned the president’s fire, as you can see by watching this “mix tape”:

Cross-posted at DeneenBorelli.com

Deneen Borelli

Deneen Borelli

Deneen Borelli is Outreach Director for FreedomWorks, a grassroots organization dedicated to limited government. She is a contributor at Fox News and has written for The Blaze, The Daily Caller, Los Angeles Times, and dozens of other publications. She is the author of the book ”Blacklash: How Obama and the Left are Driving Americans to the Government Plantation.”


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