Judging by the “most helpful positive review” at Amazon, the WolVol Bump & Go Action Electric F16 Military Fighter Jet Aircraft Airplane Toy with Lights and Sounds is a toy any child would be delighted to own.
“Just like a Big Jet Plane!” wrote parent Lynsey Betz:
This is probably the coolest plane toy I have ever seen! My 3 year old loves it! When it crashes into something the sensors turn it the other way, he can also build it and learned how to put the wings on himself. It makes real noises just like a jet and I would recommend this for any kid who loves noisy car and plane toys!
Betz’s comment was published in July 2014. Apparently the toy has undergone refinements since then. According to NBC Seattle affiliate KING, when Bjorn Thorpe of Whatcom County, Wash., inserted batteries into his 3-year-old’s WolVol, the toy made a noise, as advertised — but not airplane sounds. Instead, Thorpe tells reporters in the video that follows, “it sounded like Arabic chanting.”
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Which is precisely what it was. And not just any chanting either. Nadeem Israr, president of the Islamic Society of Whatcom County, told reporters the sound is a prayer that Muslims say during Hajj, their pilgrimage to Mecca.
The toy company, WolVol, blames the manufacturer, saying that is must have shipped them a defective bad batch of toy planes. It’s an interesting theory though it still leaves one wondering who this iteration of the toy was intended for.