You can have several guesses about what that scourge might be.
I’ll let you know for starters that it’s not climate change — even though 27% of Democrats are in favor of prosecuting deniers of global warming.
It’s not radical Islamic terrorism either, and if you guessed that, you probably aren’t aware that Salon is a far-left publication (i.e., its editorial policy includes denying any connection between radical Islam and terror).
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
So what is it that, Salon warns, could jeopardize “the very future of mankind [sic: sexist]” if permitted to go unchecked?
It’s you, white man.
The article, which originally appeared at Alternet, is by Frank Joyce, who, according to his bio, has been a political activist since the civil rights movement.” He is also white as the driven snow, though, as he explains, he is the “good” kind of white (which is to say self-hating).
The article laments “the 500-year rampage of the white man” who, with “his ever more destructive weaponry,” is guilty “of exploiting other humans and nature” and of global domination.
Which is not to say that old white dogs (or at least some of them) can’t learn new tricks:
[J]ust as some whites played a part in ending slavery, colonialism, Jim Crow segregation, and South African apartheid, there is surely a role whites can play in restraining other whites in this era. Beneath the sound and fury generated by GOP presidential candidates, Fox News, website trolls, police unions and others, white people are becoming aware as never before of past and present racism.
As a white man, Joyce is as humble as he is frightening:
Of course white people can’t “save” the world. That mindset is the problem not the solution. But we can help. As Vietnam antiwar leader Rennie Davis points out, it is when we stop being invisible to each other that we start to become a movement.
Joyce realizes that his “final solution” is “hardly the dominant view.” What he seems blissfully unaware of, however, is that the ills he looks to stamp are not viewed negatively by segments of the population other than ignorant white men.
Take segregation, which Joyce reviles. In May of 2014, the Associated Press reported that segregation is on the rise again but this time it’s not Jim Crow that’s calling the shots. Fieldston, a private school in tony Riverdale, N.Y., has implemented a policy of segregating students according to race once a week, and black demonstrators at Princeton University have demanded an affinity housing option for black students, so that those interested in black culture could live segregated away from the rest of campus.
It’s also not immediately clear that 21st-century blacks want Joyce’s help. One black man who almost certainly doesn’t is Emory University philosophy professor George Yancy whose recent New York Times op-ed condemns all whites as racist, even bleeding-heart liberals like Joyce.