The Blaze managed to unearth a copy of Syed Rizwan Farook’s dating profile, and it offers some insights into the man, as well as a window on the personality profile of a killer.
The profile appeared at ArabLounge, a website for Arab singles.
One of the things that struck me most about the paragraph in which Farook describes himself is the stilted syntax. He was born in the United States and says so, yet he writes like someone for whom English is a second language:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
I am born and raised here, I try to be a good Muslim, looking for a girl who has the same outlook, wear hijab [sic], but live the life [sic] to the fullest….
When it comes to the personality column, he describes his “tolerance” as only “average” (tsk, tsk!), but the really telling trait comes in the column headed “His Details,” which is reproduced below:
Did you see it? In case you didn’t, here is an enlargement of the relevant section:
Can it get any worse for the Left? If they want to insist that this was another act of gun violence, and not terrorism, they must cope with the fact that this shooter was not just not a Christian; he was by his own lights an “Allah-fearing” Muslim. Even worse is that he wasn’t just “liberal” but “very liberal.”
So much for the conventional liberal profile of a shooter (and, yes, it’s OK when liberals rely on profiling!) as a conservative.