The victims of the deadly attacks at a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs are still warm, yet the Left (aka the party of science) has already gotten to the root of the crime and the shooter’s motives.
Vicki Saporta, president of the National Abortion Federation, told Nicole Hensley of New York’s Daily News that “there has been a direct correlation in the release of these videos [by the Center for Medical Progress] and these threats.”
That’s weak tea compared with the accusations by pro-choice activists cited earlier in the article, who assign blame for yesterday’s deadly standoff in Colorado to the makers of the videos. The videos, Hensley volunteers moreover, have been “debunked.”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
If that shade of conspiracy theorizing doesn’t resonate with you, just wait a few minutes and other “victimists” will sound off. One of them, “community organizer” Deray McKesson already has, tweeting this morning:
The #PlannedParenthood shooter is peacefully detained after shooting 5 officers. We’ve been killed for far less. pic.twitter.com/kGoaKZc55o
— deray mckesson (@deray) November 28, 2015
The “we” in the tweet, should it not be clear, refers black Americans, who are shot indiscriminately by police every third minute. OK, it’s not really every third minute. It just seems that way because of the non-stop protests by Pepsi Presents Black Lives Matter.
The group has taken to the street once again, following the release of a police car dashcam video showing a police officer “taking out” 17-year-old Laquan McDonald with 16 shots. If you watch the video, it does look like like overkill, and the officer, James Van Dyke, has been summarily charged with first-degree murder. But justice can’t come fast enough when you’re in hate (the opposite of “in love”). And the protesters are head-over-heels in hate, having screamed “F*ck Black Friday” prior to shutting down traffic on Chicago’s Miracle Mile yesterday and “F*ck France” the day before because no one knows the trouble they see.
In the meantime, McKesson’s implied query over why the Colorado Springs gunman was taken alive and young McDonald was not can be explained by the simple fact that the former eventually surrendered whereas the latter defied police orders to drop his weapon.
But why should facts be permitted to get in the way?