According to The Buffalo News, when Rev. Roy T. Herberger, pastor of the SS. Columba-Brigid Catholic Church, put up a sign reading “Jesus had 2 dads and he turned out just fine,” his intention wasn’t to express support for same-sex marriage.
Instead the message was intended merely “to provide encouragement to many in the congregation who grow up outside a nuclear family, but with birth parents, stepparents or sometimes others.”
In that case, give Rev. Herberger a grade of “C” — for clueless. How can anyone in this day and age, let alone a man of the cloth, commit a blunder of this magnitude? Is Herberger unaware that the Supreme Court decision in June to extend the definition of traditional marriage has left the country in a sharp and bitter divide?
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Perhaps even more surprising is that Herberger is not the only pastor to display the message (which Herberger says he found by Googling “funny church signs”). Pastor Bill Campbell of St. Johns Methodist Church in Nashville had the same sign hand-lettered outside his church. He attempts — feebly — to explain himself in this video: