I love that we’re talking about why the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids, and spending time on debunking a theory advanced by Ben Carson 17 years ago, that the structures were built to store grain for the “seven lean years” predicted by the dream of Pharaoh recorded in Genesis. (Granted, Carson did stand by his theory when questioned about it this week.)
That’s it. I just love it.
You know why politics, as brokered by the modern media, has become so stupid, right? Hint: it’s not because the purpose of politics, the human phenomenon, is stupid.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
But it does look like every week of the next year is going to bring us some new flash-in-the-pan political story that we could give a Robert-Ludlum-thriller-sounding name.
One year ago, meanwhile, i09 published a list of 10 theories about the pyramids that do not involve aliens. It’s almost like they knew. Herewith, for your delectation.
My personal favorite is actually the first reader comment at the bottom:
My 6th grade science project was “Pyramid Power.” Totally a product of the time. I put bread under pyramids and tested how fast mold grew versus bread left out on a plate. Even found a plexiglass pyramid and grew sprouts in it and compared it to sprouts growing outside of a pyramid.
When men were men, and science projects were, you know, science projects.