Air travel is a crapshoot. Most of the time, the person who sits down in the seat next to you is harmless enough, and the flight passes without incident. At other times, you find yourself sitting next to the airline passenger from hell.
But how often have you strapped in, looked over at the occupant of the adjacent seat — and found yourself looking back!
That was precisely occurred when two passengers on a Ryanair flight discovered their doppelganger in the next seat.
The Daily Mail explains:
Neil Douglas was shocked to discover his [virtual] identical twin, Robert Stirling, from London, on the flight from Stansted to Shannon Airport, County Clare, on Thursday evening.
Instead of asking the stranger to move the 32-year-old wedding photographer, from Glasgow, took a selfie and shared the image on Twitter.
The photograph, which has already been shared nearly 2,000 times, shows the two complete strangers looking strikingly similar due to their bushy ginger beards, smiles and hairstyles.
The pair, who were even wearing similar black tops, later realised they were booked into the same Irish hotel and enjoyed a pint together in a nearby pub.
The article includes a video clip from a website called Twin Strangers that claims to match up virtual twins based on common features: