“Let’s never speak of it again.” That might be 16-year-old Antoine Tremane Miller’s motto based on the condition he now finds himself in following an attempt at rape that went bad for him. Miller of North Charleston, S.C., bit off more than he could chew, so to speak, after he forced his way at knife point into the home of an unidentified 33-year-old woman Friday.
The Smoking Gun reports that the victim struggled against her attacker, at one point kicking him in the groin, which prompted him to threaten, “Now you have to die!” Earlier, he had knocked her to the floor and punched her several times, declaring, “Stop fighting and I won’t hurt you.”
But he was soon at a loss for words:
As the attacker forcibly “shoved his tongue down in her mouth,” the woman “bit … as hard as she could until she heard it snap,” cops noted [in a police report]. The screaming assailant then fled the bedroom, recalled the victim, who told police that when she got off the bed, “the suspect’s tongue was still in her mouth and she threw it on the kitchen floor.”
Upon arriving at the woman’s residence, police discovered blood in the bedroom, as well as the severed tongue [which was placed into a bag of ice]. Cops also found a knife in the home’s yard. The victim, investigators noted, had a bruise around her right eye with swelling and scratches on her knee and foot.
Police found the suspect at a nearby Waffle House. They were directed there by his mother, who had called 911 to report that her son had lost his tongue was in need of medical assistance. Miller received treatment at an area hospital, but a police spokesperson declined to say whether his tongue — which police transported to the hospital — had been reattached.
He has been charged as an adult on felony counts of criminal sexual conduct, assault, burglary, and weapons possession. He is being held without bail.