If there is a political equivalent to the Hippocratic Oath, the first dictum is “First do no harm … to the children.” Candidates for high office have long observed this unwritten rule, making a show of kissing babies.
Some three dozen children in New Hampshire between 5 and 13, received a kiss of sorts from presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton: a kiss-off.
The Daily Mail reports that the Democratic frontrunner was supposed to make an appearance last Thursday at a Boys & Girls Club in the town of Laconia. The excited children wrote letters to her, drew her pictures, painted welcome signs, and even decorated the door of a bathroom to make it look like a dressing room …complete with a giant gold star. But Clinton never showed.

A New Hampshire TV news station reported that the change of plans left some Laconia kids in tears and made some parents furious.
Landon Bormes, an 8-year-old boy, said the news made him “kind of angry and mad at the same time.”
“And I kind of felt a little bit sad because I was looking forward to it for all day today.”
“Mostly,” the boy said, “what I wanted to do was maybe, um, like – maybe for her to write her name on a piece of paper for me, to show everybody, that I actually met her.”
The boy’s dad told station NH1 that the inconsiderate move was doubly surprising given the child-centered messaging in Clinton’s latest campaign ad, which focuses on her granddaughter Charlotte. The text of the spot begins:
When I look at my new granddaughter, I think to myself, ‘We are going to do everything we can to make sure she has opportunities in life. But what about all the kids?’
Yeah, what about them?
But give Clinton credit. At least she didn’t give the shaft to kids with cancer.