The short answer is: because the origin and development of Common Core are linked to global initiatives of major Arab funders and the Muslim Brotherhood.
For Liberty Alliance’s fast-growing website, Bethany Blankley posted an article on the evidence this week:
Should parents be penalized for demanding that their child be exempted from the required teaching of Islamic in Common Core curriculum? Should a teach or public school administrator penalize parents and children for seeking exemption? Parents are finding out the answers to these questions first hand.
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To date, public school students are required to:
- Attend public school-sponsored trips to mosques, which also require non-Muslim girls to wear head scarves?
- Question if the Holocaust was “merely a political scheme created to influence public emotion and gain”?
- Learn Islamic indoctrination via vocabulary lessons, and world history (from an Islamic perspective), including the five pillars of Islam?
- Pledge allegiance to the flag in Arabic?
- Have school days off for “Muslim holy days”?
- Proselytize to younger school children by creating a pamphlet about Islam to “introduce Islam to 3rd graders” by describing Allah as the same God of Christians and Jews?
- Recite in class the Shahada (“There is No God but Allah”) and kneel and learn to pray the Muslim call to prayer?
Parents must first understand the origins of Common Core, and more importantly assert their First Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment rights – which protect them as parents to make educational decisions for their children.
For additional background, see Bethany’s investigative piece on this earlier in 2015.