Why is ‘Common Core’ bringing the teaching of Islam into American schools?

Why is ‘Common Core’ bringing the teaching of Islam into American schools?

The short answer is: because the origin and development of Common Core are linked to global initiatives of major Arab funders and the Muslim Brotherhood.

For Liberty Alliance’s fast-growing Constitution.com website, Bethany Blankley posted an article on the evidence this week:

Should parents be penalized for demanding that their child be exempted from the required teaching of Islamic in Common Core curriculum? Should a teach or public school administrator penalize parents and children for seeking exemption? Parents are finding out the answers to these questions first hand.

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To date, public school students are required to:

Parents must first understand the origins of Common Core, and more importantly assert their First Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment rights – which protect them as parents to make educational decisions for their children.


For additional background, see Bethany’s investigative piece on this earlier in 2015.


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