In the 1970s TV hit series “Mission Impossible,” the head of the highly trained, preternaturally secret Impossible Missions Force was always warned at the outset that if any member of his team were “caught or killed, ‘the Secretary’ would ‘disavow’ any knowledge of his actions.”
It turns out that the municipal identification cards that are available to New York City residents — legal and otherwise — are similarly equipped to “disavow knowledge” of the cardholder in the event that (a) he is in the country illegally and (b) a Republican (aka, “enemy”) becomes president in 2016.
According to the New York Post:
City Councilman Carlos Menchaca (D-Brooklyn) [who co-sponsored the law] said the measure was crafted so data submitted by those seeking the cards can be destroyed on Dec. 31, 2016.
The cards are aimed at undocumented immigrants.
“In case a Tea Party Republican comes into office and says, ‘We want all of the data from all of the municipal ID programs in the country,’ we’re going to take the data,” he explained.
The cards, which provide up to $2,100 in discounts on services and attractions throughout the Big Apple, were an innovation of Mayor Bill de Blasio, who introduced the program last September, noting:
This card is going to be something that people from many walks of life are going to be taking advantage of.
It’s crucially important, to treat our fellow New Yorkers who happen to be undocumented with great respect and inclusion. That’s a great advantage of this card.
One concern about the cards raised by Republicans when the New York City Council unanimously approved the law in June 2014 was that they might be used by illegals to vote in municipal elections.
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