His credentials make him a perfect candidate for a gumbint job. He initially lied to authorities in his account of events that proceeded the shooting death of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson, then reportedly recanted his claims. Later it was revealed that he had lied to police before in 2011 and had an outstanding warrant for a theft.
He is none other than “star witness” Dorian Johnson, and according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch he has been hired by the City of St. Louis. The former friend and accomplice of Brown (Johnson was with Brown when he committed a strong-arm robbery of a convenience prior to his fatal run-in with the law) won’t get fat off his new position. The job is listed as temporary and pays about $8.50 an hour.
It still makes for a marvelous commentary on government in the era of Obama, where a predisposition to lie has become a prerequisite. Obama himself has deceived the American people so often — about his role in the IRS targeting of conservative PACs, Benghazi, and most famously Obamacare — that he wouldn’t know the truth if he ran headlong into it.
Just yesterday, administration representative Jonathan Gruber, who met with Obama no fewer than a dozen times and engineered the economic model on which Obamacare is based, said under oath that he was he was not “the architect” of the health law and that his dismissal of the American people is stupid was “mean,” “glib,” and “arrogant.” To listen to Gruber, you’d get the sense that his “glib conjecture” about state implementation of the law was not in his prepared remarks speech after speech.
As for government employee Johnson, he will be remembered long after his position evaporates as the father of the bastard slogan “Hands up, don’t shoot.”
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