Since Arkansas realtor Beverly Carter’s body was discovered lying in a shallow grave, other real estate agents have come to a stark reality: The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy (or gal) with a gun. They’re now giving serious thought to gun ownership and concealed carry permits.
When reporters asked Aaron Lewis, Carter’s accused kidnapper and murderer, why he targeted the agent, he responded, “Because she was just a woman that worked alone — a rich broker,” according to ABC News.
And that’s the danger of the industry–being alone in an unoccupied house with a complete stranger.
The Carter murder prompted Arkansas firearm instructor Carla Wells to offer classes geared especially toward female realtors, according to local CBS affiliate KFSM Channel 5 News.
“When Beverly was kidnapped and killed then I thought that would be the time to talk to the local agents,” Wells said, who has a military background and has been teaching firearm classes for five years. She added
Women in general need to know how to clear the gun and fix any stoppages on their own and in a hurry. Your life counts on it.
An increase in gun sales and firearm training among realtors isn’t limited to the Little Rock area where Carter was murdered–it’s grown nationwide. According to The Wilson Post out of Tennessee:
Local real estate agents have been discussing safety after recent events have grabbed national headlines.
And some have taken their personal safety into their own hands, literally.
Eastern Middle Tennessee Association of Realtors (EMTAR) President Amy Hamilton said that EMTAR has offered firearms courses for real estate agents. She said that several agents have completed the course and hold carry permits.
Watch the following report, via KFSM Channel 5 News.