What’s Rahm Emanuel’s problem? Why is he refusing to name a Chicago high school after Barack Obama, his former boss and confidant of many years? The Chicago Tribune has the answer:
Emanuel backed off Thursday from naming a new elite high school after President Barack Obama amid ongoing criticism from African-Americans who felt the honor inappropriate for a school slated for a wealthy, predominantly white part of the Near North Side.
I can think of a boatload of reasons for not naming a school after Obama, but objecting on racial grounds is idiotic. The protesters have evidently forgotten, as has most of America, that half the blood that courses through the president’s veins is Caucasian.
The article goes on to note:
Instead of naming the new school after his former boss, the mayor indicated he would consider other names for the selective enrollment high school set to be built near the site of the former Cabrini-Green public housing project just northwest of downtown.
So the school is to built on the site of a former high-crime, low-income area that has since undergone gentrification. What better place to honor Obama than a community that has undergone urban renewal and is, hence, a testament to the benefits of government intervention?
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