Councilwoman who tweeted ‘government is executing blacks’ deletes incendiary posts

Councilwoman who tweeted ‘government is executing blacks’ deletes incendiary posts

It’s the final stage in the five stages of black posturing over the imagined ongoing systematic mistreatment of blacks by society and government. First came Troy, N.Y., Councilwoman Anastasia Robertson’s incendiary Facebook posts stating that the federal government was “rounding up and executing” blacks and referring to America as “AmeriKKKa.” Next came the standard-issue “I’m sorry if anybody took offense to my comments” non-apology apology. After that she stormed out of a town council meeting to avoid further embarrassment from the non-controversy she had ignited.

Finally, she has reached the ultimate stage and deleted the entire string of comments from Facebook. This latest stage has another name: Cowardice, lacking the courage of your convictions.

Unfortunately for Robertson, wiping her Facebook page of the moronic comments she made does not send them down the internet memory hole. In fact, there is no internet memory hole. The internet is forever.

Remarkably, Robertson serves not only as an elected official of the Troy City Council but is a member of the Public Safety Committee.

Last week, the president of Troy’s Police Benevolent Association accused Robertson of trying to provoke police officers into a physical altercation, which led Anastasia Robertson to storm out of the meeting.  The video of the incident went viral, garnering well over 100,000 views.

But the incendiary comments remain a separate and distinct issue.

Council President Rodney Wiltshire claimed that Robertson’s comments were acceptable, as she was not making them as a councilwoman.

One has to wonder if Wiltshire and the Democrats would offer the same defense to a white police officer who, while out of uniform and off duty, posted comments in support of the KKK and saying blacks should be rounded up.

I think we know the answer to that.

Should someone entrusted with public safety be spouting off about the police “exterminating” black people, calling America the KKK, threatening a race war, and trying to instigate a racial incident with the police force she represents?

Again, we have to ask the Troy City Council, do you support Robertson’s position or will you ask her to resign in light of these remarks?

Cross-posted at the Mental Recession

Rusty Weiss

Rusty Weiss

Rusty Weiss is editor of the Mental Recession, one of the top conservative blogs of 2012. His writings have appeared at the Daily Caller, American Thinker,, Big Government, the Times Union, and the Troy Record.


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