Whether its CAIR, former President Jimmy Carter, or just your garden-variety liberal, the pattern is well-established: Islam, the argument goes, is unfairly singled out as a contributor to, if not supporter of, the barbaric policies and practices of jihadists. So ingrained is this hokum in the leftist mindset that no less an apologist than President Barack Obama declared recently that “ISIL speaks for no religion“ — that despite the fact that the initial “I” in the acronym stands for “Islamic.”
The demand that moderate Muslims speak out against the atrocities that were visited on our nation on Sept. 11, 2001 and continue to be carried out daily in the name of Islam is nothing new. A video posted to YouTube by IslamNet, a Norway-based organization, sheds possible light on why that hasn’t happened.
Sean Brown, writing at Mad World, sets the stage for the video, which is reproduced below. The event, he explains, is Peace Conference Scandinavia, an annual consortium by and for Muslims that addresses the state of the religion and how it is perceived worldwide. This particular iteration is from 2013 and included Fahad Ullah Qureshi, a sheikh known for his radicalism, among the panel of religious experts.
[In the clip,] Qureshi focuses on how the media singles out individual speakers as radicals, but explains that the speakers can’t possibly have extremist views since every other Muslim thinks the same way. The “common” Muslim, as he calls them, shares the same beliefs as the extremists rampaging across the Middle East indiscriminately and killing people in the name of Allah.
Brown concluded his post with this observation:
If you’ve ever wondered why you never hear about so-called “moderate” Muslims criticizing their own and denouncing the extremist elements of their religion, this video may give you some insight. The so-called moderates and the extremists are one and the same. There aren’t millions of truly moderate Muslims, because those that are make up a small minority and are irrelevant and terrified of the vast majority who share these extreme beliefs.
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