There are two schools of thought when it comes to the comic stylings of Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central fame. There are those who believe the guy whose persona is that of the zealous conservative to be hilarious. Then there are those who see him as he is: A strange little man with no sense of comic timing and even less of a clue about how silly his thinly veiled liberal resentments make him look.
Last night, on-again, off-again presidential candidate Hillary Clinton appeared on Colbert’s show, where she did the impossible. No, she didn’t overcome all the adverse publicity she brought on herself by claiming destitution recently. Rather, what she did that was impressive was to make Colbert look funny by comparison. T. Becket Adams reviews the segment at the Examiner, writing that it “was criminally boring and painfully scripted”:
“Here is the Colbert review: … This book is 656 pages of shameless name-dropping,” the show’s host said at the beginning of Clinton’s “surprise” appearance, referring to her new book, Hard Choices. “I just don’t buy any of this. There is no way on Earth one woman can be in so many places at once.” Clinton then “surprised” Colbert’s audience by emerging from behind the show’s set, introducing herself with this regrettable mom dance.
Here is a video clip.