“We now have an actual humanitarian crisis on the border…”
As reported by The Washington Post, Barack Obama hammered away at the Republican Party, Tea Party activists, and even Central American parents for the recent flood of under-age and unaccompanied illegal aliens surging into south Texas. Yet the Chief Executive made no mention of his order in 2012 to allow minors in an illegal alien status to remain in the United States without the fear of possible deportation, as reported by The New York Daily News on June 16, 2012.
Speaking live from the White House Rose Garden, Obama didn’t mince words as he laid the blame directly at the feet of House Republicans for being “obstructive” for not passing his vision of changing immigration laws. What Obama referred to as “a broken immigration system,” isn’t seen by many on the right as “broken,” but rather as a perfectly functional set of laws that simply isn’t enforced, by either Barack Obama or George W. Bush before him.
With estimates of the tsunami of children illegally crossing the Rio Grande hovering at roughly 100,000 in just the past few weeks, Republicans in the lower chamber weren’t the only ones Obama found fault with. Today’s evidence suggests, for example, that it wasn’t his IRS, but Obama himself who targeted the Tea Party.
According to the Commander-in-Chief, more than a few Republican Congressman are guilty of putting their patriotism, intelligence and moral courage on hold because of the grassroots populist movement. In Obama’s words, House Republicans have “proven again and again that they’re unwilling to stand up to the Tea Party in order to do what’s best for the country. And the worst part about it is, a bunch of them know better.”
Going beyond Beltway politics, Obama also insinuated that the parents of the recent wave of children hitting the United States are also to blame. The vast majority of children hail from Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica and El Salvador. Stating that America is now in the midst of “an actual humanitarian crisis on the border,” Obama pointedly called out the parents during his speech:
I’ve sent a clear message to parents in these countries not to put their kids through this. I recently sent Vice President Biden to meet with Central American leaders and find ways to address the root causes of this crisis.
In what The NY Daily News described as a “nod to Latino voters,” during the summer of 2012 as a lead-up into the November presidential election, Obama bypassed Congress and issued a presidential order graningt immunity from deportation to all “illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. before they turned 16 and have not yet turned 30.”
Yet in today’s announcement, he said “our system is so broken, so unclear, that folks don’t know what the rules are.” And despite his pledge two years ago not to deport certain illegal immigrant children, he today spoke highly of “immigration and Border Patrol agents who already apprehend and deport hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants every year.”