Tweet of the Day: Obama ‘like a boss’?

It seems fairly obvious that whichever Democrat came up with the party’s new Twitter campaign has more in common with Barack Obama than party affiliation or ideology. Like Obama, this person evidently never held down a real job, either, judging from his curious understanding of the term boss.

If we discount community organizing (which presumably is how Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would characterize their “work”), Obama has never held down a job besides president, and his record on this front is hardly stellar. Yet, despite that pesky truth, here is the DNC’s latest:

What “boss” would run his company (or country, in this case) into the ground and live to tell about it? What boss would get away with lying even once to the board of directors and investors, never mind making a steady diet of dissembling? What boss would increase his company’s debt by 60% while keeping its growth in the marketplace around 1% per annum?

What boss would call his stockholders “enemies” and continually fire off sarcastic barbs at them?

The “boss” tweet is but one of several organized around the same graphical theme, and all have equally unrealistic messages. Here are two others:

Howard Portnoy

Howard Portnoy

Howard Portnoy has written for The Blaze, HotAir, NewsBusters, Weasel Zippers, Conservative Firing Line, RedCounty, and New York’s Daily News. He has one published novel, Hot Rain, (G. P. Putnam’s Sons), and has been a guest on Radio Vice Online with Jim Vicevich, The Alana Burke Show, Smart Life with Dr. Gina, and The George Espenlaub Show.


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