One would think that House minority leader Nancy Pelosi would not be too loud about criticizing the GOP approach on “job creation,” considering that her party has not exactly been the party of a thriving economy. Consider that the Democratic strategists are even discouraging the use of the word “recovery.”
But Pelosi lashed out at Republicans anyway, who she said are suffering from a “poverty of ideas” and are resorting to personal attacks as a result.
As reported at the Hill, Pelosi said,
“I think people are tired of that, they want to know, ‘What are your ideas about job creation?’ They have none,” she said. “What are your ideas about taking us forward on protecting the environment? … Investing in the future? Passing an immigration bill … They have no plans. They don’t govern. They have no initiatives for the future, so they make personal attacks.”
Pelosi, who has referred to Tea Party Republicans as “legislative arsonists” and said people who believe that life starts at conception are “dumb” and called Rush Limbaugh “obnoxious” and said Republicans are not passing “immigration reform” because they are racist, believes that personal attacks are bad?
Last month, While the Friends of Democracy Corps and Greenberg Quinlan Rosner concede that the “economy is still the main issue in the 2014 election,” they nonetheless recommended that Democrats engage in more class warfare or something. Sounds like a winning message.
The limited government approach would no doubt result in an economic boom, as it did under President Ronald Reagan. But instead of learning from history, Democrats are doubling down on job-crushing regulations and burdensome taxes.
Pelosi continued, “Every time they attack me, I raise more money.”